If you have not registered for Pre-Tryout Clinics, that is the best place to start. It will benefit you immensely to attend as many pre-tryout clinics as possible. If you only attend the final tryout day and you have an "off day" you may not make a team you thought you could make. Where as, if you attend several pre-tryout clinics and you have good performances over numerous days this will benefit you on the final tryout day when final decisions are made.
Why three levels offered (National, Regional, & Local)?
There are many reasons players & parents choose to play club volleyball. At RC we offer a multiple of levels of competition and training to accommodate as many of those needs as possible. Players and parents must fully understand the level of play they are selecting and choosing to tryout for. Each have goals and objectives to help all players improve.
Why the Regional level? Are you a player who wants to compete and be challenged but not commit to a National tournament? Are finances limited, but you still want to play at a high level? Are you good with playing mainly "Silver" level tournaments, with an occasional "Gold" tournament? If you answered yes, even once, you are probably a player wanting to play at the Regional level.
Projected teams at the Regional Level
12 Red, White
13 White & Silver (depends on total numbers)
14 White, Silver, Gray (depends on total numbers)
15 White, Silver
16 White
The number of Regional teams will depend on the total number of players trying out.
Regional Teams Information
Players playing on Regional level teams want to play at a strong club level, but may not have the time or financial ability to commit to a National level.
- Season officially begins 1st week of Jan. and ends at the Midwest Challenge the 1st week of May
- Number of players per team: 9-10
- Tournaments for the season: 8-9
- Players base dues
- $1810 (This a 2% increase from 2023-2024)
- Included in base dues are:
- All local tournaments (Lincoln/Omaha)
- Coaches salary
- Court Rental
- Administration fees
- Insurance fees
- Equipment fees
- Strength & Conditioning Program
- Plyo/Agility Training is from 7:00-7:30pm Mon-Thur on your practice night
River City Regional teams will train along side our National teams. These teams do not have the same requirements to attend the out of "region" tournaments that National teams have. Regional teams MAY attend National level tournaments if they wish. A vote to attend any major/national tournament beyond the 4 hour region border will be voted on at the Player/Parent meeting following tryouts. A minimum of 8 players must be willing to attend, for us to register that team in the tournament. Once the team is registered they may not back out or the entry fee will be forfeited.
Teams will practice twice a week. Please see the Calendar page or the Team page for practices days and times. Practices are 2 hours long.
Tournament schedule is currently in the works and will be finalized as soon as all other club directors post their tournament schedules.
10-14s Tryout Dates/Times
Regional Tryout Dates/Times (10-12s)
Oct. 8, 2024 from 6:00pm-9:00pm (Tuesday)
Regional Tryout Dates/Times (13-14s)
Oct. 9, 2024 from 6:00pm-9:30pm (Wednesday)
15-17s Tryout Dates/Times
Monday Nov 11, 2024 from 6:00-9:00pm (15-18s)
Any player not making the Regional level are highly recommended to tryout for the Local level. We DO NOT have a local level for 17u players.
Mandatory Player/Parent Meeting
Nov 17, 2024 12:30-2:30pm (15-18s)
All Regional team players and at least 1 parent are required to be in attendance
Players who wish to tryout for a Regional level team at River City understand that, should they would make the team, they will be required to go to a minimum of two regional tournaments outside of the Omaha area. Usually we travel to Sioux Falls and Des Moines.
Players will be made offers immediately following the tryout. Players must accept or decline at this time. Any player declining will have their spot offered to the next player in line. Players accepting their offer will be handed a contract and other information. A $350 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of acceptance.
How many will be selected? If 25 girls tryout, we will keep at least two Regional teams. The coaching staff will rank players in order of ability from #1, #2, #3.....to the maximum number that tryout. The top ten will make the 1st team and players ranked 11-20 will make the 2nd team. If anyone on the 1st team declines their position, #11 will be asked to move up. If anyone on the 2nd team would decline their position #21 would be asked if they want that spot on the team.
If we have the numbers to create a third or fourth team we will keep those teams.
Regional Level Objectives
- Great training with less travel
- Coaches experienced in club, HS and/or college coaching
- A chance to compete in high level tournaments
- Help you pursue your next level (higher level in school or making a college team)