Our Philosophy

Here are some of our Philosophies. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at 402-213-4644. I will let you know our stance on the question. - Thanks Deb

What is our philosophy on...

Who makes what team from year to year

All players must tryout each year.  We will see kids improve from year to year who were on a 2's or 3's team who moved up to a 1's team the next year.  We have seen 1's team players not improve and be passed by players in the club and new players come to tryouts who are better skilled.

Let me ask you....if your daughter were new to our club or had been on a lower team in our club, shouldn't she be given a chance to make the 1's team that year?  My answer as club director is YES! Here is why.  As a club director I have a choice to be a Hypocrite/Liar, a Fool or Neither. I choose NEITHER.

Let's say I do make promises prior to tryouts...If your daughter is new and really good, let's say top 10 athletes trying out for her age division and I had already promised 10 players spots on the top team, then it is filled.  I now have two choices, 1) put the new, good player on this team because they deserve it, since they rank in the top 10 athletes, yet, now I have to move someone off the team I had made a "promise" to.  That is being a Liar and a Hypocrite. Or, 2) I do not take this player that deserves to be on this team and that is being a fool for not placing the talent where it should be. Either way it is a losing situation for me as a club director.  So why go there in the first place. I won't!

Players who compete at the highest of levels in HS and College have to compete and earn their spot on the floor each and every season.  Coaches in college are recruiting each year to challenge those they already have recruited. Some new players are ready to come in and challenge veterans for their positions.  The veteran has two choices, compete and continue to earn their spot or watch it get taken by someone who is performing at the level the coach is requiring.


Playing time

Players must first earn their playing time on the court by hard work, having a positive attitude, being respectful to coaches and teammates, never giving up, and showing performance of skills in practices that are needed in their position(s).

In our 15-18s teams, playing time is 100% earned.  All coaches will attempt to get all players in every match.  That does not mean all players will play "equal".  As that is almost impossible in volleyball since it is not a timed game. In our 11-14s teams, players will see playing time that will be as even as possible depending on each match situation.  If a coach is in a playoff to get to a higher level in the tournament, the ones that are having the best production at that moment may see more time than others.

If there is a concern on playing time, a parent MAY NEVER approach the coach regarding their child's playing time. The child should come to the coach and ask the coach " what do I need to do better for the team"  or "what skills do I need to improve so I can help my team".  All of our players will get repetitions in all drills. At RC we do not have players who are just ball shaggers or feeders to the coach.

Common misconception: River City travels more than any other club 

This is a rumor put out each year to scare people away from River City.  Here is the simple math on travel and cost

River City plays mostly JVA and AAU tournaments.  In 2023, travel for RC was 3-4 nights less for the club season than those clubs who play in USAV only. Our National level teams do travel more than our regional teams. We will attend:

One (3 day tournament) usually 3 nights stay

Two (2 day tournaments) 1 or 2 nights stay

One (4 day tournament-which is Natl's) usually 4 or 5 nights

Total of 8-10 nights of hotel

Avg hotel night cost @ $140/night = $1120-$1400 (this is a $560-$700 savings on the season for your family)

We also DO NOT have the Stay and Play Policy.  Parents may choose where they wish to stay, with family, or friends or a hotel of their choice.  Stay where it best suits your budget and convenience.

Since we attend more Sat-Sun only tournaments and not three day tournaments players miss less school and parents miss less work.

Other area club teams who play mostly or exclusively USAV will travel to three National Qualifiers:

Three (3 day tournaments) mandatory 3 nights stay, because of Stay and Play Policy

One (4 day tournament-which is Natl's) usually 4 or 5 nights Four nights are mandatory for the USAV national tournament

Total of 13-14 nights of hotel

Avg hotel night cost @ $140/night = $1820-$1960

USAV tournaments require Stay and Play Policy.  Clubs may only stay in the hotels on the tournament list.  If you do not you are not allowed to enter the tournament or if you do enter and do not stay you will be kicked out and lose your entry fee.  Yes, this has happened to two club directors I am close friends with who were traveling to National Qualifiers and needed less expensive hotels for their teams. They lost both hotel deposits and flight money. Because the tournament was NOT cancelled.

More school and work will be missed attending National Qualifiers because of the higher number of nights stay.